10 Proven Strategies to Attract More Clients for Your Photography Business

Starting a photography business and booking more clients can be challenging, but with strategic efforts, you can attract and retain a steady stream of clients. Here are some of the best ways to achieve this:

1. Build a Strong Portfolio

  • Showcase Your Best Work:

    • Select high-quality images that represent your best work.

    • Ensure your photos are diverse yet cohesive in style and quality.

    • Regularly update your portfolio with recent work to show your growth and current abilities.

  • Variety:

    • Include different types of photography (e.g., portraits, family, events).

    • Show a range of settings and styles to appeal to a broader audience.

    • Highlight your versatility by including both candid and posed shots.

  • Online Presence:

    • Build a professional website with a user-friendly design. Use platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace.

    • Utilize social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok and Facebook to reach a wider audience.

    • Ensure your website and social media profiles are consistent in branding and regularly updated.

2. Network and Collaborate

  • Collaborate with Other Professionals:

    • Reach out to wedding planners, event organizers, and makeup artists for potential collaborations.

    • Offer to collaborate on styled shoots or mutual promotions.

    • Build long-term relationships by providing referrals and networking regularly.

  • Client Referrals:

    • Ask satisfied clients to refer you to friends and family.

    • Offer incentives such as discounts or free prints for successful referrals.

    • Create a formal referral program to track and reward referrals.

3. Utilize Social Media

  • Engage Regularly:

    • Post consistently, aiming for at least a few times a week.

    • Share a mix of content, including finished projects, behind-the-scenes shots, and personal stories.

    • Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages promptly.

  • Use Hashtags and Geotags:

    • Research and use popular and relevant hashtags to increase your reach.

    • Use geotags to target local audiences and show where you operate.

    • Participate in hashtag challenges and trends to increase visibility.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Content:

    • Share behind-the-scenes videos or photos to give a glimpse into your process.

    • Post about your editing process, equipment, and setup.

    • Highlight the effort and creativity that goes into each shoot to build appreciation for your work.

4. Offer Promotions and Discounts

  • Introductory Offers:

    • Provide a special discount or package for first-time clients to entice them to book your services.

    • Promote introductory offers on your website and social media.

    • Use limited-time offers to create urgency.

  • Seasonal Promotions:

    • Run promotions during key seasons and holidays (e.g., Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day).

    • Create themed photo sessions or packages tailored to the season.

    • Advertise these promotions well in advance to attract early bookings.

  • Package Deals:

    • Offer different packages based on the type of service (e.g., wedding, family portraits, corporate events).

    • Bundle services together (e.g., a family portrait session with a photo album) for a better value.

    • Clearly outline what each package includes and the cost.

5. Leverage Online Marketing

  • SEO Optimization:

    • Use relevant keywords in your website content, blog posts, and image descriptions. (Best photography keywords)

    • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and has fast loading times. Resizing images for the Web improves loading time.

    • Create high-quality, informative content to improve your search engine ranking.

  • Google My Business:

    • Create a Google My Business profile with accurate information about your business.

    • Add high-quality photos and regular updates.

    • Encourage clients to leave reviews on your Google profile.

  • Online Advertising:

    • Invest in targeted ads on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

    • Use demographic and location targeting to reach your ideal clients.

    • Track the performance of your ads and adjust them based on results.

6. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

  • Prompt Communication:

    • Respond to inquiries and messages as quickly as possible, ideally within 24 hours.

    • Use a professional and friendly tone in all communications.

    • Set up automated responses for initial inquiries if you can't respond immediately.

  • Personal Touch:

    • Personalize your services based on client preferences and needs.

    • Follow up with clients after a shoot to ensure they are satisfied.

    • Send thank-you notes or small gifts to show appreciation.

  • Client Experience:

    • Make the booking process easy and straightforward.

    • Provide clear information about what clients can expect before, during, and after the shoot. (Dandylight client portal is a great tool for this)

    • Deliver photos in a timely manner and in high-quality formats.

7. Build a Strong Brand

  • Consistent Branding:

    • Use consistent colors, fonts, and logos across all platforms and materials.

    • Develop a recognizable style and aesthetic that reflects your brand.

    • Ensure all marketing materials align with your brand message.

  • Unique Style:

    • Identify what makes your photography unique and emphasize that in your marketing.

    • Develop a signature editing style or thematic approach.

    • Showcase your unique perspective through your portfolio and social media.

  • Professionalism:

    • Always be punctual and prepared for shoots.

    • Dress appropriately and maintain a professional demeanor.

    • Deliver on promises and exceed client expectations whenever possible.

8. Get Reviews and Testimonials

  • Ask for Reviews:

    • Request reviews from satisfied clients after completing a project. (Dandylight questionnaires is a great tool for this)

    • Make it easy for clients to leave reviews by providing direct links to review platforms.

    • Follow up with a reminder if clients initially forget to leave a review.

  • Video Testimonials:

    • Ask clients if they would be willing to provide a video testimonial.

    • Provide guidance on what to say to ensure testimonials are genuine and informative.

    • Share video testimonials on your website and social media.

  • Leverage Positive Reviews:

    • Feature positive reviews prominently on your website and marketing materials.

    • Create graphics or posts highlighting testimonials to share on social media.

    • Use quotes from reviews in your advertising and promotional content.

9. Get Reviews and Testimonials

  • Ask for Reviews:

    • Request reviews from satisfied clients after completing a project. (Dandylight questionnaires is a great tool for this)

    • Make it easy for clients to leave reviews by providing direct links to review platforms.

    • Follow up with a reminder if clients initially forget to leave a review.

  • Video Testimonials:

    • Ask clients if they would be willing to provide a video testimonial.

    • Provide guidance on what to say to ensure testimonials are genuine and informative.

    • Share video testimonials on your website and social media.

  • Leverage Positive Reviews:

    • Feature positive reviews prominently on your website and marketing materials.

    • Create graphics or posts highlighting testimonials to share on social media.

    • Use quotes from reviews in your advertising and promotional content.

10. Partner with Local Businesses

  • Cross-Promotions:

    • Approach local businesses that complement your services (e.g., florists, venues).

    • Propose mutually beneficial promotions, such as offering discounts to each other's clients.

    • Share promotional materials in each other’s spaces and online platforms.

  • Display Your Work:

    • Ask local businesses to display your photos in their establishments.

    • Provide high-quality prints and frames that match the business’s decor.

    • Include your contact information and business cards for interested customers.


By implementing these strategies, you can effectively book more clients and grow your photography business. Consistency, professionalism, and quality service are key to building a loyal client base and a strong reputation in the industry.


How to Keep Clients Coming Back for More: Tips for Photographers


8 Effective ways to market your photography business